
Culture Lab : Artist Recidencies

Chalet Lecoq

Inauguration of Chalet Lecoq

The renovated Chalet Lecoq, opened in April 2023, enables the city of Clermont-Ferrand to host international and national artists in residence for several months. The artists can experiment with their art and find their inspiration in the middle of the Lecoq garden, a central and emblematic meeting place for citizens and students alike, where they can immerse themselves in the culture and life of Clermont-Ferrand. It is also possible for those who wish to share an artistic experience with Clermont-Ferrand residents, as some artists have done by working with children on projects.

Artist Residencies

Studio Tanja Riebel in the
Künstlerhaus Andreasstadel,

In order to develop reciprocal partnerships, “residences croisées”, between artists from around the world, Clermont Ferrand welcomed artists from Braga, Anderson, Krementchouk and Regensburg to the Chalet Lecoq. With Regensburg, Clermont-Ferrand-based artist Léa Bouttier was welcomed by the German town in residence at the Andreasstadel Künstlerhaus (artist’s house). Meanwhile, Anderson is currently studying an artist-in-residence project at the Soothwood Academy of Arts, with a view to welcoming Clermont-Ferrand artists in return.

The Lab at Anderson

Launch of the partnership “Artist
Residencies “

The Lab brought the cities together around a draft Charter drawn up by Clermont-Ferrand, which would enable the development of artist exchange collaborations. Herman Keith, an artist from Anderson, presented his experience at Chalet Lecoq, including a fresco he created with children from Jules Michelet elementary school in Clermont-Ferrand.
Dianne Simms, also from Anderson, presented her stay at the Chalet as part of the Rendez-vous international du Carnet de Voyage, where she was able to exhibit her various works.

Discussions are due to resume in September, with a view to drawing up a final charter and identifying which RIVM cities would be interested in these artistic exchange partnerships.

Herman Keith with children from Jules Michelet elementary school

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Culture Lab : Artist Recidencies

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