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Back to the 4th INMC Conference in Anderson

Keynote speech of Richard Florida during the Opening Ceremony

Keynote speech of John Houseal during the Opening Ceremony


Program of the day

09:00 am

Bleckley Station

Welcome and Registration

18:00 pm

Anderson Farmers Market

Cummunity Food Truck Night

Program of the day

08:30 am

Anderson University

Opening Ceremony

Guided by

Terence V. Roberts

Mayor of Anderson (SC)

Olivier Bianchi

Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand President of Clermont Auvergne Métropole

Richard Florida

2022 Upstate Summit Keynote Speaker

12:00 pm

Bleckley Station


14:00 pm

City Economic Development Offices

Thematic Lab : Mobility

Latest innovations and best practices in the realm of mobility.

1. Urban mobility challenge / New public space sharing) :

– Karlsruhe presentation of the Sustainable Urban Mobility concept : 10 Min – Speaker Anke Karmann-Woessner – Director of Urban planification

– Clermont- Ferrand presentation of InspiRe, a global urban transformation based on a public transport project : 10 min – Speaker Jean-Yves Beckler – Director of Urban Transport

– Regensburg presentation of Stadtbahn Regensburg (light rail system) : 10 min – Speaker Tim Assheim

– Debate on the urban mobility challenge : 20 min

2. Behavior change

– Karlsruhe focus on the 49€ pass : 10 min

– Clermont-Ferrand focus on the free transport during the week-end : 10 min

– Debate with the attendees : 20 min

3. Mobility for all

– Karlsruhe focus on train/tram system : 10 min

– Clermont-Ferrand focus on the H2 experiment : 10 min

– Debate : 20 min

4. Wrap up questions / Follow-up to potential online Labs in June & September to prepare the physical meeting in November in Karlsruhe during the European Summit for Sustainable Mobility “POLIS”

For this Lab we would like to reduce the presentations of Karlsruhe and Clermont at least for the Behaviour Change topic, asking cities from outside Europe to talk and exchange their views.

Guided by

Jean Yves Bechler

Executive director of the mobility organizing authority of Clermont-Ferrand

John Houseal

Planning expert

Anke Karmann-Woessner

Director of urban planning in Karlsruhe

Anderson County Library

Thematic Lab : Sustainable Development Goals

Application of Sustainable Development Goals in public policies.

1. Michelin Presentation (video call) Preserving ecosystems and adaptating to climate change : 10min – Speakers: Francis Renault and Aline Bertin

2. Questions to clarify 10min

3. Energize Bridgewater Presentation / Bridgewater : 10min – Speaker David Mitchell – Mayor

4. Questions to clarify 10min

5. Strategy for the decarbonisation of the industry Presentation / Regensburg : 10min – Speaker Tony Lautenschläger – CEO TechBase

6. Questions to clarify 10min

7. Barometer of the Futur Presentation/ Regensburg : 10min – Speaker Michael Grein

8. Questions to clarify 10min

9. Debate/ Wrap up questions proposed by Michelin

10. Follow-up to potential Labs online in June and Septembe

Guided by

David Mitchell

Mayor of Bridgewater

Francis Renault

Director of the Climate Change Adaptation Unit in Michelin

Toni Lautenschläger

Head of Department of Economic and Research Affairs in Regensburg

Michael Grein

Coordinator of Municipal Development Policy of the City of Regensburg

18:00 pm

Anderson Arts Center

Evening Reception and Art Exhibit

Guided by

Brian Rutenberg

Featured artist

Program of the day

08:00 am

Field Trip

Tri-County Technical College Workforce Readiness
CU-ICAR Automotive Innovation Center
Luncheon at Clemson University Memorial Stadium
Tour of Clemson University athletic facilities and sport health complex

18:00 pm

Lake Hartwell

Fun with picnic and boat rides

Program of the day

09:00 am

Anderson County Library

Thematic Lab : South Carolina Business Opportunities and Corridor of Incubators

Softlanding partnership between INMC incubators designed to open up on international markets.

• Introduction and presentation of South Carolina Economy by South Carolina Department of commerce – 20mn

• Questions – 10mn

• Presentation of the Corridor of Incubators – Speaker François Leduc – CEO Magog Technopole – 10mn

• Questions – 10mn

• Presentation and signing of the Corridor of Incubators Charter – 10mn

• Feedback from a successful Start-Up Speaker Sébastien Deguy – Fondator of Allegorithmic and Vice President of Adobe

Guided by

Yannick Izoard

Managing Director of Clermont Auvergne Innovation

François Leduc

General Manager of Magog technopole

Anderson County Library

Thematic Lab : Economic Equity

How to reach economic gender equity – barriers and solutions will be explored by international experts.

• Few words introduction Juana, Magali Gallais

• Presentation Juana

• Presentation Gisèle Halimi – Magali – 10mn Maximum

• Short Film broadcast: H2412h – the forbidden cry

• Debate & share of expertise with the cities attending the Lab

• Few words from Carole Force who has been elected in March this year “Lady of the year”

• Wrapping questions & follow up to possible virtual labs in June and September followed by a proposal of physical meetings of the cities’experts in Clermont in the frame of the woman international day at the end of the year.

• Visit of the shelter

Guided by

Annie Sutton

Director of the Anderson County Library System

Calmin Borel

General Delegate Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival

Magali Gallais

Deputy Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand for Equal Rights

Anderson City Hall

INMC Business Session for Mayors

Event held in Anderson and online

11:30 am

Bleckley Station


Guided by

Adam Rosendahl

Capstone Presenter

14:00 pm

Bleckley Inn Carriage House

Start-Up Award Competition

Bringing innovative INMC Start-ups together to boost and work in synergy with the Corridor of Incubators.


Guided by

Jérôme Auslender

Deputy mayor of Clermont-Ferrand for International Relations

Alexander Rupprecht

Managing Director of R-Tech GmbH in Regensburg

Carole Force

Michelin Public Affairs in Clermont-Ferrand

Thematic Lab : Arts and Culture - Residency Partnerships and Military History Tour

• Few words of introduction Fanny Martin

• Presentation of the Artist in Residence scheme – Speaker Fanny Martin

• Video broadcast of Herman Keith residency in Clermont

• Experience feed-back – Speaker Herman Keith

• Experience feed-back examples – Braga – Regensburg

• Testimony of Diane Simms from her experience in Clermont

• Exchange – Debate

• Proposed charter of agreement and partnership in a call for proposals with Le Damier

• Wrap-Up questions and follow-up to potential online labs in June and October

• Military History Tour

Guided by

Fanny Martin

Visual Arts Department Officer of the City of Clermont-Ferrand

Herman A. Keith Jr.

Painter and Muralist

16:00 pm

Bleckley Station

Final Remarks

Announcement of the next host city 2026

Prize-Giving to the Start-Up winner

18:00 pm

Oxford Farms

Mayor's Finale!

Bluegrass and barbeque dinner.


Terence V. Roberts

Mayor of Anderson (SC)

Olivier Bianchi

Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand President of Clermont Auvergne Métropole

Richard Florida

2022 Upstate Summit Keynote Speaker

John Houseal

Planning expert

Jean Yves Bechler

Executive director of the mobility organizing authority of Clermont-Ferrand

Anke Karmann-Woessner

Director of urban planning in Karlsruhe

David Mitchell

Mayor of Bridgewater

Francis Renault

Director of the Climate Change Adaptation Unit in Michelin

Toni Lautenschläger

Head of Department of Economic and Research Affairs in Regensburg

Michael Grein

Coordinator of Municipal Development Policy of the City of Regensburg

Brian Rutenberg

Featured artist

François Leduc

General Manager of Magog technopole

Yannick Izoard

Managing Director of Clermont Auvergne Innovation

Annie Sutton

Director of the Anderson County Library System

Magali Gallais

Deputy Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand for Equal Rights

Calmin Borel

General Delegate Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival

Adam Rosendahl

Capstone Presenter

Jérôme Auslender

Deputy mayor of Clermont-Ferrand for International Relations

Alexander Rupprecht

Managing Director of R-Tech GmbH in Regensburg

Carole Force

Michelin Public Affairs in Clermont-Ferrand

Fanny Martin

Visual Arts Department Officer of the City of Clermont-Ferrand

Herman A. Keith Jr.

Painter and Muralist

Speakers detailed informations

Terence V. Roberts

Mayor of Anderson (SC)

Mayor Terence V. Roberts is an Anderson native who has been in the forefront of the business and public service community for more than 30 years. He has served on boards and commissions across the spectrum: from caring for displaced families to advocating for public art. He has a judicious approach to decision-making seeking to build a consensus for the betterment of Anderson and the entire Upstate community. He has been recognized for his leadership, community service, and passion for education particularly during the school readiness years.
Mayor Roberts currently serves as Co-President of the International Network of Michelin Cities (INMC) along with Mayor Olivier Bianchi, Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand, France.

As a business advocate, the Mayor has worked with the Anderson City Council to establish public/private partnerships to revitalize downtown leading to the current period of sustained economic growth. His tenure has brought many new restaurants and businesses to Anderson’s core including the recently opened multi-million dollar hotel development and municipal parking garage. With a focus on infrastructure, greenspaces and public art, his leadership has helped make downtown an attractive place for regional commerce.

The Mayor is making sure that Anderson is a healthier place to call home through his efforts to build a walkable, bikeable and more mobile community. Strengthening our neighborhoods continues to be a priority as the City of Anderson works with partners to develop housing that is the right fit for the needs in this century.

First elected in 2006, Mayor Roberts is now in his fifth term. He reflects that being the Mayor has been exciting, challenging, frustrating and rewarding all at the same time. His vision for the future is an aggressive and imaginative plan to continue growth, production, and development. His focus as an advocate for business, and as an advocate for the citizens of Anderson, will surely serve to ensure that Anderson reaches its stated goal to become “the most desirable city in the region.”

Mayor Roberts has attributed his strong work ethic to morals instilled in him through his parents and generations before him. He is motivated by, and quite often mentions, one of his mother’s favorite quotes: “It’s amazing what you can accomplish if you don’t care who gets the credit.

Olivier Bianchi

Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand President of Clermont Auvergne Métropole

Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand President of Clermont Auvergne Métropole

Richard Florida

2022 Upstate Summit Keynote Speaker

The Director of the Martin Prosperity Institute at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, Global Research Professor at New York University, and the founder of the Creative Class Group, which works closely with governments and companies worldwide, Richard Florida is perhaps the world’s leading urbanist, “as close to a household name as it is possible for an urban theorist to be in America,” according to The EconomistEsquire has included him on its annual list of “The Best and the Brightest,” and Fast Company dubbed him an “intellectual rock star.” MIT Technology Review recently named him one of the world’s most influential thinkers.

Florida is the author of several global bestsellers, including award-winning The Rise of the Creative Class and The New Urban Crisis: How Our Cities Are Increasing Inequality, Deepening Segregation and Failing the Middle Class – and What We Can Do About It. He is also a senior editor for The Atlantic, where he co-founded and serves as Editor-at-Large for Atlantic Cities, the world’s leading media site devoted to cities and urban affairs.

Florida previously taught at Carnegie Mellon University and George Mason University, and has been a visiting professor at Harvard and MIT. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Rutgers College and his PhD from Columbia University.

Check out some recent articles from Richard: Building Back? Richard Florida Outlines His Vision for a ‘Post Pandemic City’Bring American cities into the 21st century by funding urban innovation. You can also check out his podcast channel.

John Houseal

Planning expert

John is a Principal and Co-founder of Houseal Lavigne. John has directed planning, design, economic development, and zoning-related projects across the country, working with both public and private sector clients. John has been a featured speaker at national, regional, state, and local conferences for issues related to planning innovation, urban planning, zoning, transportation, context-sensitive design, sustainability, economic development, and environmental issues. John’s work has garnered national attention and has helped distinguish the firm’s body of work, receiving multiple awards in several states, as well as the National Planning Excellence Award from the American Planning Association for an Emerging Planning and Design Firm.

Jean Yves Bechler

Executive director of the mobility organizing authority of Clermont-Ferrand

Jean-Yves BECHLER studied environmental engineering at Agroparistech (Paris), after a post-graduate diploma in Physics of Condensed Matter at Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris)

He worked for Ministry of Agriculture at different scales (local, national, regional), impulsing agroenvironmental shift, then moved to territorial development for DATAR, where he became Head of the Unit dedicated to the development of Massif Central.

In 2016, he became Executive director of the mobility organisazing authority for the metropolitan area of Clermont-Ferrand.

Anke Karmann-Woessner

Director of urban planning in Karlsruhe

Anke Karmann-Woessner studied architecture/urban planning at the Technical University Darmstadt and completed her PHD on European environmental law at the Technical University Kaiserslautern. She worked for many years in the Bavarian State Building Administration and for several years abroad in France. In 2009, Anke Karmann-Woessner moved to the  Municipal Authorities and has been Head of the Urban Planning Office in Karlsruhe since 2013.

Numerous teaching activities at universities: 2013 Honorary Professorship at the Nürtingen University of Applied Sciences, 2018-2021 Visiting Professorship University of Salford/Manchester (GB), since 2018 lectureship at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), numerous jury and speaker activities as well as publications. Lead of EU-funded projects in the European Union and internationally (India). Anke Karmann-Woessner is a member of the Executive board of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), the Advisory Board of the Bundesstiftung Baukultur and was appointed to the German Academy for Urban and Regional

David Mitchell

Mayor of Bridgewater

Elected as Bridgewater’s 26th Mayor in 2016 and re-elected in 2020.

Over the course of his tenure in municipal governance, David has been at the forefront of many key initiatives that have helped drive Bridgewater to become the strong centre of economic, social, and sustainable leadership that it is today. Known for his willingness to speak up and respected as one to never mince words, David has a reputation as one to get things done.

During his term as mayor, David championed the introduction of public transit to Bridgewater, as well as fostering new relationships to take Bridgewater to the next level, as evidenced in the Smart Cities Challenge win, relationships with C40 and as a board member for the International Network of Michelin Cities.

Francis Renault

Director of the Climate Change Adaptation Unit in Michelin

Francis Renault is currently in charge of the Michelin Group’s value chain adaptation to the physical risks induced by climate change.His career path, initially in research notably at Michelin, has led him over the last 25 years to manage issues related to the environment, people’s health and safety, fire and security at operational and Group levels.

Toni Lautenschläger

Head of Department of Economic and Research Affairs in Regensburg

Toni Lautenschläger holds a Diploma degree in Physics from the University of Regensburg. From 1991 to 2000 he worked as consultant in the energy policy sector among others for the European Commission.  Since 2000 Toni Lautenschläger has served for the City of Regensburg starting as project manager and holding the actual position since 2015. From 2006 on Toni is in addition managing director of the RBD Regensburg Business Development GmbH and there in charge of the international marketing of the economic area of Regensburg.

Michael Grein

Coordinator of Municipal Development Policy of the City of Regensburg

Michael Grein is the Coordinator of Municipal Development Policy of the City of Regensburg.
One of Mr Grein’s tasks is to raise awareness of the sustainability goals of the 2030 Agenda (SDGs) in Regensburg, both in urban society and in the city administration. The development of the first municipal sustainability monitoring system in Regensburg, the Future Barometer, is also one of his tasks, as is the expansion of fair trade and fair procurement in the city.

Brian Rutenberg

Featured artist

Brian Rutenberg, a South Carolina native, lives and works in New York City. He transforms the landscapes of his youth into paintings with an impasto surface that are vibrant and lush. Rutenberg’s inspiration for these intensely colored, atmospheric landscapes can be traced back to his fascination with the unique quality of light found on the Lowcountry coast. He says, “Especially inspiring is that point when the land meets the water and, for a moment, the two become blurred.”

He earned a BFA from the College of Charleston and an MFA from the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Rutenberg was honored with a Fulbright Fellowship in 1997 and in 2018 received an honorary doctorate from the College of Charleston.

His work can be found in the permanent collections of museums such as the Peabody Essex Museum, the Morris Museum of Art, the Gibbes Museum of Art, the Butler Institute of American Art and the Mint Museum. His monograph was published in 2008 and in 2016 he wrote Clear Seeing Place, a condensed version of his popular YouTube Studio Visit series.

François Leduc

General Manager of Magog technopole

General Manager of Magog technopole since 2021, François Leduc supports innovative project leaders in the Memphrémagog region. He has had the pleasure of working in the telecommunications industry, the media sector and the tourism industry. Today, his mission is to attract and foster the growth of technological and innovative companies by offering them a collaborative work environment, within a passionate business community focused on knowledge sharing, for the benefit of the greater Magog region.

Yannick Izoard

Managing Director of Clermont Auvergne Innovation

With training in cellular biology specializing in microbiology, completed by a third cycle in management at IAE Aix-Marseille, Yannick Izoard began his career in 1998  by founding and managing the company Biostrategy, specializing in marketing applied to the creation of innovative companies in biotechnology. He then joined Anvar (National Agency for the Promotion of Research) in 2002 as business manager. He joined the Oseo Auvergne regional management in 2005 to take charge of technology transfer programs and European affairs, then digital projects supplemented by the plastics processing sectors and other industrial applications. In 2014, he was appointed Regional Head Innovation at the French Bank of Investment (Bpifrance). He has instructed, monitored or decided on more than 1,000 innovation project financing files. He left Bpifrance in September 2019 for the position of Managing Director of Clermont Auvergne Innovation.

Annie Sutton

Director of the Anderson County Library System

Annie Sutton has worked at the Anderson County Library System in various roles over the last 17 years. She has been the Director for 2.5 years. Annie obtained her Master’s of Library and Information Science from Indiana University, Bloomington.
In 2019 she was the South Carolina Librarian of the Year, and since being the Library Director she has focused in on outreach, advocacy and innovation. Annie is currently serving as the Literacy Chair for the Rotary Club of Anderson and on the United Way Community Impact Cabinet.

Magali Gallais

Deputy Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand for Equal Rights

Magali was born in 1976. She studied sociology, linguistics and science education at the University of Clermont-Ferrand and graduated as a social worker in 2000. From 2000 to 2002, she worked in Ireland in Dublin, at first in a factory and then in a pub to improve her English.

In 2002, she went back to College in France and got a bachelor degree in linguistics and a master degree in linguistics and teaching french as a foreign language. From to 2002 to 2009, she worked as a social worker and a specialist educator with disabled children for 4 years and then with young offenders to help them reintegrate school and job employment.

In 2009, she started a new program and another degree to become a Senior education advisor with students in middle and high school. In 2014, she worked in a middle school located in a poor neighborhood in Clermont-Ferrand with 25 different nationalities, from North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa and Eastern Europe. She has an extensive experience working in tough areas or disadvantaged neighborhoods.

She also worked as a training officer for the Academy of Clermont-Ferrand (training session for young teachers). In 2016, she was selected by the French Fulbright Commission to participate in the

European Administrators Program in Washington DC and Denver. The European School Administrator Program brings outstanding European administrators and head teachers to the United States to examine and exchange ideas on various approaches to promote the economic and social advancement of minority, refugee, and youth immigrant.

In 2018, she was a co-writer in the book: Territoires Vivants de la République ( This collective work restores the possible conditions for teaching in France today. It thus defends a positive vision of the school in working-class neighborhoods. But also a political vision of the school and a model of positive integration and citizenship building.

In september 2023, she has been invited by the University of Minnesota Twins Cities in Minneapolis for ten days to give two lectures about the French school system and how to work in comparative education between the American and French educational system. She also visited High schools and met American teachers, school board and headmasters. It was such a deep and interesting experience.

Since 2014, she has been involved in politics and is Deputy Mayor in the City of Clermont-Ferrand in charge of equal rights and fight against discrimination, to be more specific : to promote equality gender and LGBT policies and fight against racism. In those public policies, recently with the Mayor Olivier Bianchi, they inaugurated the first « women house » named 25 Gisèle Halimi. From now, they accompany and help women victims of domestic violence, health issues and in social needs (job, housing…). Since the opening on January 1, 2024 they have welcomed 2,500 women.

Calmin Borel

General Delegate Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival

Calmin Borel is the General Delegate of the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival

Adam Rosendahl

Capstone Presenter

Adam Rosendahl is an international facilitator, experience designer, DJ and the founder & CEO of Late Nite Art®. He works with the world’s top companies to create transformational keynote experiences that impact and inspire tens of thousands of leaders, entrepreneurs and teams across 13 countries.

Jérôme Auslender

Deputy mayor of Clermont-Ferrand for International Relations

Deputy mayor of Clermont-Ferrand for International Relations

Alexander Rupprecht

Managing Director of R-Tech GmbH in Regensburg

Alexander Rupprecht, born in Dorsten in 1971, studied political science, cultural studies and economic policy and then worked for several years in the field of technology and innovation promotion. Since 2013 he has been managing director of the municipal R-Tech GmbH in Regensburg, where he coordinated the construction of the new innovation center “TechBase” for Start-ups and other innovative companies. In addition to TechBase, R-Tech GmbH also organizes the Bavarian Cluster Mobility & Logistics and the Digital Start-up Initiative Upper Palatinate.

Carole Force

Michelin Public Affairs in Clermont-Ferrand

After more than 10 years as a professional basketball player, Carole joined the Michelin Group in 1995.

From beginnings in Organization, she went on to work in the fields of Progress, Management and Human Resources.

She then became Director of the ASM Omnisports, the Michelin-run sports club and since 2017 has been in the Public Affairs team for France, focusing on territorial relationships. She is also in charge of Michelin Development for the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region in central France, an initiative to create jobs everywhere Michelin is located.

Representing Michelin, she has been the vice president in charge of industry for the Chamber of Commerce of the Puy de Dome and on the board of the Regional Chamber since 2021.

Fanny Martin

Visual Arts Department Officer of the City of Clermont-Ferrand

Fanny Martin is in charge of the visual arts Department for the City of Clermont-Ferrand since 2017. She worked in different contemporary art institutions such as the Contemporary Art Institute (IAC), Villeurbanne-Rhône-Alpes, the contemporary art center of Parc Saint Léger and the Lyon Museum of contemporary art. She graduated from the Institute of political sciences of Lyon in 2009. Since the beginning of her career, she has been interested in the subject of artists’ residencies and has been running for one year a place dedicated to residency in Clermont-Ferrand. She is the CreArt coordinator for the City, European network for artistic creativity offering, among other things, an artist residency program between 13 European cities.

Herman A. Keith Jr.

Painter and Muralist

Herman A. Keith Jr., is a Painter and Muralist from Anderson, South Carolina.

His mission is to unite art with the community through the creative process and to create art that transforms public spaces and individual lives. The work he creates addresses a visual dialogue between the past, present and the now. He respectfully installs large artwork in public places with the intention to visually communicate guidance and direction for humanity through the use of light. Color is Light, Light is Energy, Energy is Life, Life is Love.

Herman received his MAT in Art Education from Lander University and a BFA in Graphic Design from Howard University. He is the founder of the South Carolina Rural Arts Project (S.C.R.A.P.) which is in partnership with the Lake City Creative Alliance. This partnership is a conscious effort to energize and revitalize rural towns and communities through art by transforming public spaces collectively with local individuals, institutions, and organizations. Keith is a visiting art instructor at Claflin University and currently resides in Lake City, SC.


Terence V. Roberts

Mayor of Anderson (SC)

Olivier Bianchi

Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand President of Clermont Auvergne Métropole

Richard Florida

2022 Upstate Summit Keynote Speaker

John Houseal

Planning expert

Jean Yves Bechler

Executive director of the mobility organizing authority of Clermont-Ferrand

Anke Karmann-Woessner

Director of urban planning in Karlsruhe

David Mitchell

Mayor of Bridgewater

Francis Renault

Director of the Climate Change Adaptation Unit in Michelin

Toni Lautenschläger

Head of Department of Economic and Research Affairs in Regensburg

Michael Grein

Coordinator of Municipal Development Policy of the City of Regensburg

Brian Rutenberg

Featured artist

François Leduc

General Manager of Magog technopole

Yannick Izoard

Managing Director of Clermont Auvergne Innovation

Annie Sutton

Director of the Anderson County Library System

Magali Gallais

Deputy Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand for Equal Rights

Calmin Borel

General Delegate Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival

Adam Rosendahl

Capstone Presenter

Jérôme Auslender

Deputy mayor of Clermont-Ferrand for International Relations

Alexander Rupprecht

Managing Director of R-Tech GmbH in Regensburg

Carole Force

Michelin Public Affairs in Clermont-Ferrand

Fanny Martin

Visual Arts Department Officer of the City of Clermont-Ferrand

Herman A. Keith Jr.

Painter and Muralist

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