
The journey of Anatomie du labo exhibition

Trailer Anatomie du labo 2020

« Anatomie du labo » is an exhibition that has existed for 13 years, in parallel with the Clermont-Ferrand International Short-Film Festival (the largest short-film festival in the world, which is now in its 43rd edition). The exhibition stems from one of the Festival’s competitions, called « labo » (short for laboratory in French).

To discover it, take the virtual tour !

In fact, among the various selections of the Festival, the « labo » competition is the most original one. Since 2002, it has acted as a bridge between new visual modes and the space of creative freedom that has just opened up to genre transversality and hybrid works in exploration. This new creative emergence brings with it a precious field of inspiring and innovative elements that a group of plastic artists and designers from Clermont have taken advantage of by creating the « anatomie du labo ».

The original idea is to question the films in the Festival’s “Lab” competition, giving a field of expression to young visual artists and established artists. A way of bringing out an imprint, a trace, a symbol, a sign through plastic work from the most offbeat films of the Festival.

For the 4th year in a row, performances also happen outside the city of Clermont-Ferrand, in particular, the anatomy of a traveling lab: « Anatomie du Labo itinérant 2021 ».

The project is above all a graphic dialogue between the artists and the short films of the Labo competition, an imprint of the feelings and emotions of the spectator. It is also a time to educate about the image, to understand it, to re-read it and to create it, perhaps with more ease and more freedom than through writing.

Since 2018, Anatomie du Labo travels to partner cities of the INMC. Oviedo and Braga in 2018, RegensburgVitoria-GasteizSalford and Montreal in 2019. An artist from each city has been invited to participate in the project, by making his/her own graphic reaction to the Labo films. Their artwork are now integrated to the French pieces in order to make an international exhibition.

In 2020, the journey starts again through several partner cities of the Network, in order to discover the works of the next wave of international filmmakers associated with young talents in the graphic field in places of great cultural prestige.

In Oviedo, the exhibition is shown during the 6th edition of SACO : “Semana del Audiovisual Contemporáneo de Oviedo”.

In Vitoria-Gasteiz, Anatomie du Labo will be part of their short-film festival “Cortada” in December 2020.

Anatomie du labo by Gabrielle Cornuault

Anatomie du labo by Constance Marechal

Linked news

Culture Lab : Artist Recidencies

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Gender Equity Lab

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