
Gender Equity Lab

During the 3rd INMC Conference held in Quérétaro (from March 16 to March 18, 2022), Jessica Moncada, deputy mayor of Quérétaro and head of a new department in charge of women protection, made a striking speech, presenting the University of Quérétaro, dedicated exclusively to women.

This inspiring initiative was at the origin of the Anderson Lab. During its preparation, the cities of Clermont-Ferrand, Anderson and Quérétaro identified the theme of financial autonomy as the main focus of this workshop.

The Lab, piloted by Anderson and Clermont-Ferrand, was much appreciated by those present, many of whom came from Anderson. The workshop opened with a projection of the short film –H24 the forbidden cry – presented at the “Sauve Qui Peut le Court Métrage” festival in Clermont-Ferrand.

Magalie Gallais, Deputy Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand for Equal Rights, then presented the Centre 25-Gisèle Halimi. Opened in December 2023, the center offers all women access to a wide range of support services. The center is not a place of residence, but rather a place of rest and support to which they have access during the day. The building is home to a number of associations, such as Planning Social, which has opened a gynecological center to give more patients access to care.

Carole Force, head of public affairs at Michelin headquarters and vice-president of the Clermont-Ferrand Chamber of Commerce, winner of the Prix de la Femme Leader 2024, also spoke at the workshop.

The Lab also included a visit to the construction site in Anderson of a new social center for isolated women, financially supported by Michelin.

In autumn, a new online workshop will be set up to plan the continuation of this Lab.

Visit to the construction site in Anderson of a new social center for isolated women

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