
Urban resilience : online conference

24 - 24 février 2021

  • Fév 24
    Fév 24

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Quelles réponses peuvent apporter les villes aux défis des transitions et de la résilience des territoires ?

À travers des témoignages d’expert.e.s et de villes sur de nouvelles pensées économiques durables, de nouvelles politiques d’aménagements favorisant la résilience urbaine, des services publics assurant la protection sanitaire, la justice sociale et la qualité de vie des citoyen.ne.s à l’ère (post-) COVID, il s’agira de s’interroger sur cette notion de résilience et de l’envisager comme la base de transformations, de transitions qui tiennent compte du mode de vie de l’humanité, des systèmes naturels et des liens entre des territoires urbains et ruraux.

Mercredi 24 février 2021 de 14h30 à 16h30 (heure française)

Programme :


  • Olivier Bianchi, Co-Président du RIVM, Maire de Clermont-Ferrand et Président de Clermont Auvergne Métropole (France)

Repenser l’économie de demain

Vers une relance économique verte et durable

  • David Miller, Directeur, Diplomatie internationale, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, ancien Maire de Toronto (Canada) et auteur du livre « Solved: how the world’s great cities are fixing the climate crisis »
  • David Mitchell, Maire de Bridgewater (Canada)

Les territoires face aux défis climatiques

Quelles réponses peuvent apporter les territoires aux défis des transitions ?

  • Kotchakorn Voraakhom, PDG fondatrice du Porous city network & landprocess, Présidente du Climate Change Working Group, International Federation of Landscape Architect (IFLA World), Bangkok (Thaïlande)
  • Jair Alexandre Gonçalves, Directeur des Relations internationales, Guarulhos (Brésil)

L’ère (post) Covid

Actions locales et stratégies de résilience dans les services publics


  • Luis Bernardo NAVA, Co-Président du RIVM et Maire de Querétaro (Mexique)

« A city based green and just recovery will lead us to solve our climate and economic problems »

« Landscape porosity : why do we need water-based urbanism? »

« Local responses to a global crisis »


David Miller

Director of International Diplomacy, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

David Miller is the Director of International Diplomacy and Global Ambassador of Inclusive Climate Action at C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. He is responsible for supporting Mayors in their climate leadership and for building a global movement for socially equitable action to mitigate and adapt to climate change. He served as Chair of C40 Cities from 2008 until 2010.

Miller was Mayor of Toronto from 2003 to 2010. Under his leadership, Toronto became widely admired internationally for its environmental leadership, economic strength and social integration. He is a leading advocate for the creation of sustainable urban economies, and a strong and forceful champion for the next generation of jobs through sustainability.

Miller has held a variety of public and private positions and served as Future of Cities Global Fellow at Polytechnic Institute of New York University from 2011 to 2014. David Miller is a Harvard trained economist, professionally a lawyer and author of the book « Solved: How the World’s Great Cities are Fixing the Climate Crisis ».

Kotchakorn Voraakhom

Founder and CEO at Landprocess and Porous City Network

Kotchakorn Voraakhom is a landscape architect from Thailand who works on building productive green public spaces that tackle climate change in urban dense areas and vulnerable communities.

She created the first critical green infrastructure for Bangkok, the Chulalongkorn Centenary Park. Her complete design works also include, Thammasat Urban Farm Rooftop, a 36-acre urban farm rooftop featuring the biggest urban farming green roof in Asia, and the first bridge park across the river in any world capital, Chao Phraya Sky Park.

Voraakhom was featured in the 2019 « TIME 100 Next » list, one of 15 leading women fighting against climate change from TIME Magazine, BBC 100 Women 2020, and the « Green 30 for 2020 » by Bloomberg. She is Chairwoman of the Climate Change Working Group of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA World).

Voraakhom received her Master’s in landscape architecture from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design and teach there as design critic in Spring 2020. Currently, she is also a TED Fellow and an Echoing Green Fellow.

Firdaous Oussidhoum

Special Advisor of the UCLG Secretary General

Firdaous Oussidhoum works for the world institution for local and regional governments. She advocates for shared values and principles, for local democracy as representative of the citizens and communities.

Oussidhoum is also a Member of the UNESCO Chair for Intermediate Cities and World Urbanization. As an architect, urban planner and philosopher, she developed her expertise, within a human-focused approach, in the Sustainable and Resilient Development Strategies through 20 years of experience as a practitioner, consultant and policymaker at local, national and international levels.

She has developed in parallel an expertise in International Relations & Development, and International Public Affairs, linking the Global Policy & Decision Making to the benefit of Global Resilience of the Planet.

Actualités liées

Le Réseau international des villes Michelin s'engage pour l'égalité des genres

Participation du Lab Mobilité RIVM à un appel à projet Horizon Europe

Bridgewater remporte un prix national de durabilité

Voir toutes les actualités

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