
Thematic workshops October 12-13

12 - 13 octobre 2021

  • Oct 12
    Oct 13
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The INMC partners are invited on 12th & 13th October 2021, in Clermont-Ferrand or remotely, to gather for thematic workshops.

The goal is to continue the cooperation on different projects and to prepare the 3rd Conference in Querétaro in March 2022.


Tuesday October 12th

When ?Where ?What ?
9:30 – 11:30Maison Sciences
de l’Homme
(House of Human
Circular economy
 The cooperations between INMC and the academic world has led the  Jean Monnet Chair of Excellence on sustainable development to the idea of co-constructing a systemic analysis tool (energy, food, waste, etc.) that aims to promote the understanding of the mechanisms at work in cities. This multi-criteria tool will make it possible to compare the INCM cities’ datas in order to identify and share the most effective initiatives.
The cities of Vitoria-GasteizValladolidRegensburg and Querétaro have already joined the first online working group on June 29, 2021, sharing their approach of circularity and learning about the multi-criteria tool.
The objective is to consolidate this working group and to move forward together in the co-construction and the development of this toolbox.
More information here.
9:30 – 11:30Blaise Pascal
(City Hall)
Travel Diary Festival
The 21st Travel Diary Festival will take place on 19-21 November 2021 in Clermont-Ferrand. Each year, more than 130 artists, writers, sketchers and illustrators promote ethical and responsible travel centred on opening up to the world, discovery and respect for differences and the environment.
This year a space will be dedicated to the INMC cities via the Urban Sketchers network, partner of the festival. Sketchers from INMC cities will be able to exhibit their work, give lectures and organise workshops for pupils during their language classes.
An exhibition of sketches from INMC cities may be organised for the next meetings in Querétaro (17-19 March 2022).
12:00 – 14:00TBDLunch
15 :30 – 17 :30Michel de
l’Hospital Room
(City hall)
Sustainable mobility
The workshop will be part of the programme of the Sustainable Mobility Week organised by Clermont Auvergne Métropole and led by Dr Patrick Oliva.
Former Michelin Director of Prospective and Sustainable Development, founder of Challenge Bibendum, now Movin’On, co-founder of PPMC (Paris Process on Mobility and Climate) and TDA (Transport Decarbonization Alliance), Patrick Oliva will lead the workshop and invite experts from the territories, university researchers and companies to debate the links and interdependencies between urban planning and mobility for the co-construction of sustainable mobility.
17:30 – 22:00PolydômeWelcome dinner with Olivier BIANCHI, Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand
International networks participation :
Entretiens Jacques Cartier

Wednesday October 13th 

When ?Where ?What ?
9:30 – 11:30Blaise
Pascal Room
(City hall)
Citizen participation
This workshop will be an opportunity for the intervening cities to share original and/or innovative participatory initiatives: the Open School of Participation and the Citizens’ Convention to involve citizens in the necessary transition of their city (in terms of democracy, ecology and social models).
In order to prepare the discussions and content of the workshop, the participants are invited to share beforehand their questions, devices, proposals to present their own innovative mechanisms in terms of participation or any other subject related to participatory democracy.
12:00-14:00Mille formesArt initiation center for 0-6 years-old « Mille formes » study visit
(City hall)
Internships network
The lab aims to build a network of interns to promote youth exchanges and the development of academic and professional internships within the network.
During the last INMCGeneral Assembly, several cities showed a strong interest in this project which will enable young people to discover new cultures and learn foreign languages, as well as to professionalise themselves abroad.
The Global Training Programme to be implemented in 2021 will be presented by the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz. Around ten INMC cities have signed up to the programme and will host Basque trainees in 2022 to enable them to carry out their internship in local companies and institutions.
14:30 – 16:00Michel de
l’Hospital room
(City hall)
Children ambassadors of Corail Artefact
Raising awareness among 9-11 year olds about environmental issues through the study of coral.
The children from the participating INMC cities, supervised by their teacher and with the participation of a textile artist or craftsman, will deepen their knowledge of coral by making an imaginary coral out of textile. The different corals will then be assembled in the form of a coral reef and exhibited at the next meetings in Querétaro.
School teachers and artists from Clermont-Ferrand who already participate to the project will share their experience during the workshop.
16:00 – 18:00Michel de
l’Hospital room
(City hall)
Textiles & Antidots
This project aims to highlight the cross-functional aspects of heritage and science, starting from the prophylactic notion of textiles.
University researchers and textile experts (craftsmen, museums) from INMC cities collaborate, share and highlight their heritage and textile know-how through 3-minute videos.
The Bargoin Museum (Clermont Auvergne Métropole) and the Imperial Palace of Shenyang have already produced their videos that will be presented during the workshop.

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