
Upcoming event on current challenges for regional planning and urban development

"Cities and Metropolises in France, Germany and beyond"

The Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL) is planning an event on 22 October 2020, where we invite you to exchange experiences and discuss.

Within the framework of: LIVING THE CITY – An exhibition about cities, people and stories
The event takes place in the context of the above-mentioned exhibition. It is organised by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI) in cooperation with the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR). People from all over Europe will be brought together to discuss urban development issues.

A German-French working group, initiated by ARL, is currently working on a comparison of the today’s situation of cities and metropolises as well as small and medium sized towns in both countries. We look at their embeddedness in the respective territorial and administrative structures and their importance and repercussion for the settlement texture. In the context of the specific spatial planning systems and their relationship to other planning issues, we look at differences and similarities as well as current challenges France and Germany are facing in spatial and urban development.

Together with experts from other European countries, we wish to discuss and to broaden our view towards converging European spatial and urban development policies.

10:15-11:00Book presentation of the German-French Cooperation (Christophe Demazière) (conf.)
11:00-12:00Panel discussion:
Experts reflect on the book and discuss planning issues with regard to their country and Europe
Speakers: Olivier Sykes (conf.), Izabela Mironowicz, Maroš Finka, Valeria Fedeli
Moderation: Thomas Perrin (conf.
13:00-14:30Statements from the group of authors:
What are the planning and cohesion challenges for urban/ regional development in Europe today?
Speakers: Annabelle Boutet, Laurent Guihéry, François Mancebo (conf.), Hélène Roth
Moderation: Evelyn Gustedt and Didier Paris (conf.)
14:30-16:00Panel & plenum discussion:
Which policies are appropriate for the European city today?
Speakers: Thierry Baert (conf.), Daniel Metzlian (BMI) (conf.), Lars Porsche (BBSR), Nathalie Verschelde (DG Regio)
Moderation: Jean Peyrony (conf.)
16:00-16:15Closing remarks
Ulrike Grabski-Kieron (conf.)
16:15Official ending

For further information and registration: (to be defined)
Event: “Current challenges for regional planning and urban development”
When: 22 October 2020
Where: Berlin Tempelhof Airport, Platz der Luftbrücke 5, 12101 Berlin


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