
Welcome note from Gorka Urtaran, Mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz

Welcome note from Gorka Urtaran, Mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz

We live in an era in which cities are gaining greater significance as spaces of the first magnitude at the international level. In fields relating to the new economies,
in mobility solutions, the knowledge revolution or the participation of people in public matters, cities are leading the global agenda. Cities that establish partnerships
and synergies, cities that generate networks that can be decisive for the future of the planet.

Leading social scientists have defined this new scenario and precisely their greatest exponent, the sociologist Saskia Sassen, will be coming to Vitoria-Gasteiz during
the 2nd International Network of Michelin Cities Congress to talk about the opportunities and challenges that this new vision of the city may hold in the future.

Ms Sassen will be accompanied, for example, by Mr Gil Peñalosa, Chair of the “8 80 Cities” organisation and ambassador of World Urban Parks. Two first-rate speakers for an event of the highest level. It is an honour for Vitoria-Gasteiz to host an event that will bring together the best experts who seek such an important goal as making cities an environment dedicated to people that is equally friendly, pleasant and sustainable.

Based on our experience as a European Green Capital, together with other cities that have merited this distinction, and the municipalities that belong to the International Network of Michelin Cities, we would like to share those experiences that make us leaders and learn from those who have a lot to teach in the field of sustainable cities. We would like to extend our warmest welcome to this event dedicated to exchanging knowledge.

One of the best ways to build the city of the future together.

Gorka Urtaran,

Mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz

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