
Watch (again) the conference on urban resilience

24 - 24 February 2021

  • Feb 24
    Feb 24

The conference “How do cities face urban resilience and transition challenges ?”was held online on February 24th, 2021.

If you missed it or want to watch it again, you can find it bellow.

In a few words :

Experts and cities had the opportunity to talk on new sustainable economic ideas, new urban policies to favour urban resilience, public services to insure health protection, social justice and quality of citizen life in a (post) COVID era.  

In numbers:

  • Interpretation into 8 languages  (French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese and Thai). 
  • Over 120 live participants,
  • From 32 cities,
  • In 17 different countries.

Among the speakers:

Listen to David Miller, Director of International Diplomacy, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group:

Listen to Kotchakorn Voraakhom, Founder and CEO at Landprocess and Porous City Network:

Listen to Firdaous Oussidhoum, Special Adviser of the UCLG Secretary General:

Listen to Gorka Urtaran, Mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz:

Listen to Luis Bernardo Nava, Mayor of Querétaro:

Find the full agenda and the main speakers.

Thanks to the speakers and to all the participants who made this conference a success. See you in Querétaro for the 3rd Conference of the Network!

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