Program of the day
09:30 am
Europa Congress Palace
The reception was a central element to the 2019 Conference in Victoria-Gasteiz. The first contacts between the actors of the Conference allowed people to get to know one another. It favored cordial relationships and marked the beginning of the negotiation process. The affinities which stemmed from this first meeting were beneficial to all in the debates during the following days.
10:00 am
Europa Congress Palace, Maria de Maeztu Auditorium
Iñigo Urkullu, President of the Basque Country
Ramiro González, General Deputy of Álava
Gorka Urtaran, Mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz
Olivier Bianchi, Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand
10:30 am
Europa Congress Palace, Maria de Maeztu Auditorium
14:30 pm
Europa Congress Palace, Francisco de Vitoria Auditorium
These presentations gathered the most remarkable experiences of the network’s cities in the aforementioned fields.
Cities play a key role in solving the serious problems caused by climate change.
Achieving the objectives of the 2030 Agenda led by the United Nations involves a transformation of municipalities into more sustainable and healthy ecosystems that improve the quality of life of citizens.
The emphasis was put on ascertaining new tendencies to make cities more sustainable with real examples being delivered by one of the members of the International Network of Michelin Cities.
Cohesion and social progress are fundamental to building fairer and more cohesive cities.
The current global change cannot be faced without taking into account the needs of all people.
In this aspect, good governance of the institutions that run the cities is necessary.
How are cities facing social challenges? A question our speaker answered, in addition to revealing the good practices conducted by cities in the network.
How can economic progress be made compatible with social and environmental progress? This is the consequent question that cities try to answer on a daily basis, as do countries and companies.
There is a new green economy and new concepts such as circular economy. It proposes a new way of respecting the environment.
Keys were revealed as regards the promotion of a more sustainable economy in cities and examples of municipalities that have already achieved it.
18:00 pm
Starting place: Virgen Blanca (Vitoria-Gasteiz green sculpture)
Route: Guided visit of the Medieval Area of Vitoria-Gasteiz, declared a Monumental Complex in 1997. Guided walk around the most emblematic points of the Medieval Area and the wall. Plaza de España, Arquillos, Casa del Cordón, Old Cathedral Facade, Walls of Carnicerías, Escoriaza-Esquivel, Montehermoso, Plaza del Machete, Villa Suso, Church of San Miguel and the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca.
Departure point: Virgen Blanca (Vitoria-Gasteiz green sculpture)
Tour: Crossing by Virgen Blanca square and its monument to the Vitoria Battle against the Napoleon troops, where the popular Celedón comes from the sky, the patronal feasts symbol, the journey went through other charming places, like the New Cathedral built during the 19th century Romantic Expansion. Discovery of the stunning Florida Park.
Between centenary trees lies the Zulueta Palace, and the Vitoria Green Capital office in Senda Promenade. The tour finished in front of the Fine Arts Museum and the symbolic facade of the Basque Lehendakari Palace, called Ajuria Enea.
Departure point: Virgen Blanca (Vitoria-Gasteiz green sculpture)
Route: Going to Salburua, just 3 kilometers from the city center, one of the peri-urban parks that make up the city’s Green Belt and contains wetlands of international importance registered under the Ramsar Convention. This natural ecosystem is home to numerous species of birds and endangered animals, such as the European mink. Ataria, a nature interpretation center, can also be found in this area. Journey with electric bicycles along the various routes around and between the main lagoons.
20:30 pm
Palacio Villasuso
Program of the day
09:00 am
Europa Congress Palace: Francisco de Vitoria Auditorium
Four different cities with a common goal: becoming more sustainable every day. The four European Green Capitals explained how they managed to be the most sustainable on the continent and what new measures they are implementing to remain green.
Vitoria-Gasteiz, Lisbon, Oslo and Nijmegen.
11:00 am
Europa Congress Palace
The aim of this visit was to show and share the concepts, characteristics and results of the project that Vitoria-Gasteiz carried out with regards to the planning, management and integration of its natural peri-urban area. The Basque capital went through various environmental policies which turned it into an international benchmark and worthy of its recognition as European Green Capital 2012.
Visit of 2 civic centers: Ibaiondo & Zabalgana.
Discovery the operating model of Vitoria-Gasteiz network of civic centers: remarkable local public facilities which combine sport, cultural and social facilities aiming to promote the development of cultural and sporting habits alongside harmonious coexistence and citizen participation.
Planning for liveable streets: towards a liveable, vibrant and resilient city through new mobility and public space strategies.
This visit aimed to show the basic principles of the public space and sustainable mobility strategy which Vitoria-Gasteiz has been implementing over the last decade. Gifted with meticulous human-scale planning, the capital city of the Basque Country has been able to offer a comprehensive answer to the challenges posed by the need to transform the city in terms of mobility, opting decisively for eminently active mobility and for a modernising revamp of its public transport system.
Founded in 1992, the Technology Park of Álava is a bet of the Basque Public Administration (Basque Government, provincial Council of Álava and Town Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz) with the aim to diversify the Basque business network towards the company of the future. Its mission has been to act as a catalyst for technological innovation and development in the Basque Country, encouraging to share knowledge and transfer technology among companies, technological agents and universities. Thus, it stimulates the creation and growth of innovative enterprises while offering quality spaces and facilities alongside value-added services in a sustainable way.
The aim of this visit was to showcase the flourishing business activity in the Álava Technology Park by means of a guided tour of the park including BIC Araba, Technological and Research Centers and/or companies from a variety of sectors such as Biotechnology, Aeronautics and Engineering.
BIC Araba (Álava Business and Innovation Center), offers support services to entrepreneurs and companies with the objective of promoting innovative and/or technological business initiatives and encouraging their development.
A tour of municipal buildings which have been refurbished following sustainability guidelines: Europa Palace, housing in the Zaramaga district and housing in the Medieval Quarters.
The tour also included a newly-constructed building, constructed following sustainability guidelines (Salburua district).
14:30 pm
Europa Congress Palace
A space to learn of and share good experiences from the cities and build new partnerships to move towards sustainable development.
This lab delved into the complexities and courses of action for sustainable mobility: solutions to control and improve air quality, strategies to implement sustainable urban mobility plans, good practices in the operation of electric bus lines and e-mobility clusters, and environmental challenges for urban goods transportation.
This lab introduced innovative and successful projects such as the creation of an ecological neighborhood featuring environmental requirements for the future in Bad-Kreuznach (DE). It also presented the industrial zone with space-saving, innovative and resource-optimized management processes in Karlsruhe (DE), as well as a sustainable university in Querétaro (MX) that has implemented water conservation, carbon capture and electricity generation measures through alternative sources.
The aim of this lab was to create a work-group of higher education institutions based in network cities to establish cooperation mechanisms in order to facilitate student and faculty exchanges, dual degrees, internship opportunities, research partnerships and online collaboration among universities. This group strengthened cooperation across the network and enabled cities and universities to further infuse international and comparative perspectives to their existing missions.
Technology parks are an important part of the habitat of cities, they welcome the business activities of new and consolidated companies and help to generate wealth, not only economic but also of knowledge and experience. During this lab, participants also had the opportunity to learn about a successful business incubator that encourages and enables entrepreneurs to create new business ventures within the region. In addition, experiences and good practices were shared to help position and improve this sector.
Cities have a very important role in leading the circular economy as they can be the driving force for change by directly influencing citizenship regarding awareness and habit changes. Resources are limited and we need to be aware of this by promoting alternatives and encouraging good practices. This work-group served to pool the various actions and to look for new ideas and propositions that will help to reach an actual improvement.
Thinking of cities directly leads to thinking of the people who inhabit them. A city without its people would not be a city. Therefore, giving people a real chance to participate is primordial. They know the needs of each sector of the population. Citizen participation policies can help to turn cities into spaces of respect and shared construction. This work-group focused on the different forms of participation and how to bring about such participation.
16:30 pm
Europa Congress Palace
Presentations to discover the projects of the cities, companies and start-ups favoring networking.
Salbura room
A meeting between the mayors of the attending cities to reflect on the International Network of Michelin Cities.
20:30 pm
"Artium" Basque Museum of Contemporary Art
Program of the day
10:00 am
Europa Congress Palace
Open space to interact: showcases and initiatives
For Mayors & Heads of Delegations
15:00 pm
Departure point: Virgen Blanca (Vitoria-Gasteiz green sculpture)
Tour: Guided visit of the Medieval Area of Vitoria-Gasteiz, declared a Monumental Complex in 1997. Guided walk around the most emblematic points of the Medieval Area and the wall. Plaza de España, Arquillos, Casa del Cordón, Old Cathedral Facade, Walls of Carnicerías, Escoriaza-Esquivel, Montehermoso, Plaza del Machete, Villa Suso, Church of San Miguel and the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca.
Departure point: Virgen Blanca (Vitoria-Gasteiz green sculpture)
Tour: Crossing by Virgen Blanca square and its monument, to the Vitoria Battle against the Napoleon troops, where the popular Celedón comes from the sky, the patronal feasts symbol, the journey went through other charming places, like the New Cathedral built during the 19th century Romantic Expansion. Discovery of the stunning Florida Park.
Between centenary trees lies the Zulueta Palace, and the Vitoria Green Capital office in Senda Promenade. The tour finished in front of the Fine Arts Museum and the symbolic facade of the Basque Lehendakari Palace, called Ajuria Enea.
Departure point: Cathedral Bowling alley
Tour: In addition to the tour included in the visit to the cathedral, visit of the bell tower, the City’s lookout. The belfry, that provides a unique panoramic view of the Álava Valley, can be reached by strolling along the new walkway, climbing the panoramic staircase from the restored room above the portico and ascending in a modern glazed elevator that ensures accessibility for all.

Guillermo Peñalosa
Founder and President of the successful Canadian non-profit organization "Cities 8 80"

Fernando López Regó
First Chief of the Legal and Litigation Service of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
Speakers detailed informations

Sara Acosta
Translator and journalist specialized in environmental issues
Sara Acosta is a translator and journalist specialized in environmental issues who works for She also contributed to creating and publishing the prestigious magazine Ballena Blanca (White Whale), one of the most innovative publications dealing with environmental topics in Spain. She has been a correspondent in Paris and Brussels for various media outlets. Acosta founded and coordinated the environmental supplement of Cinco Días while also collaborating with other domestic media, such as El País, and specialized publications like Energías Renovables (Renewable Energies).

Guillermo Peñalosa
Founder and President of the successful Canadian non-profit organization "Cities 8 80"
Guillermo Peñalosa is passionate about cities and their inhabitants. He advises leaders and citizen groups on how to create successful cities and healthy communities for all, regardless of age or socio-economic status.
Peñalosa is the Founder and current President of the successful Canadian non-profit organization Cities 8 80. To this date, its advisory services have been requested by more than 350 different cities on all continents. Before immigrating to Canada, Peñalosa was in charge of Parks, Recreation and Sports in Bogotá, Colombia. He has a Master’s Degree in Management from the University of California in Los Angeles, where he was recently recognized as one of the “100 Most Inspiring Alumni” in the history of the School of Management. In 2014, Peñalosa received an Honary Doctorate from the Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning of the prestigious Swedish University, SLU. In 2023, he was selected by Planetizen as one of the 100 most influential urbanists, and was recently awarded the Distinguished Individual of the Year Award by the World Association of Urban Parks.

Sandra Pina
Director of Sustainable Brands Madrid, Director of Partner and Innovation at Quiero
Sandra Pina is the Director of Sustainable Brands Madrid. She is also a Managing Partner at Innovación de Quiero.

Fernando López Regó
First Chief of the Legal and Litigation Service of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
With an extensive professional career, largely dedicated to the world of Law, Fernando López de Rego was a Diplomat for the European Union until he settled in Alicante after being appointed as the first Head of the Legal and Litigation Service of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

Vanesa Sánchez
Vanesa Sánchez is a journalist who has worked as a presenter for ETB television from more than a decade. Throughout this period, she spent time in Asia and in Paris as a correspondent for the Basque Public Television Service in addition to hosting a number of programs, including a morning talk show. Sánchez regularly presents events like the main Vitoria-Gasteiz European Green Capital 2012 ceremony, in which Copenhagen was announced as the green capital for 2014. She also hosted international events in Brussels, such as the launch of the new Basque Country tourism image in the Committee of the Regions.

Saskia Sassen
Professor of Sociology at Columbia University in New York City
Saskia Sassen is a Dutch author and sociologist known for being a Professor of Sociology at Columbia University in New York City. She is a well-known and respected figure worldwide in the study of what she calls “global cities”. On top of being a specialist in urban planning, she is also a professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago and a visiting professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Known internationally after the publication of her book “The Global City”, she won the Prince of Asturias Award in Science in 2013, for her contribution to urban sociology and the phenomenon of globalization. She is an expert lecturer who speaks five languages, and she was invited as a guest to many international summits on urban sustainability (including the Rio+20 Summit).

Víctor Viñuales
Sociologist, co-founder and Director of ECODES
Víctor Viñuales is a sociologist, the co-founder and Director of ECODES. He has been an Associate Lecturer on the Corporate Responsibility Management Advanced Program at the IE Business School in Madrid since 2007.
This lab delved into the complexities and courses of action for sustainable mobility: solutions to control and improve air quality, strategies to implement sustainable urban mobility plans, good practices in the operation of electric bus lines and e-mobility clusters, and environmental challenges for urban goods transportation.
This lab introduced innovative and successful projects such as the creation of an ecological neighborhood featuring environmental requirements for the future in Bad-Kreuznach (DE). It also presented the industrial zone with space-saving, innovative and resource-optimized management processes in Karlsruhe (DE), as well as a sustainable university in Querétaro (MX) that has implemented water conservation, carbon capture and electricity generation measures through alternative sources.
The aim of this lab was to create a work-group of higher education institutions based in network cities to establish cooperation mechanisms in order to facilitate student and faculty exchanges, dual degrees, internship opportunities, research partnerships and online collaboration among universities. This group strengthened cooperation across the network and enabled cities and universities to further infuse international and comparative perspectives to their existing missions.
Technology parks are an important part of the habitat of cities, they welcome the business activities of new and consolidated companies and help to generate wealth, not only economic but also of knowledge and experience. During this lab, participants also had the opportunity to learn about a successful business incubator that encourages and enables entrepreneurs to create new business ventures within the region. In addition, experiences and good practices were shared to help position and improve this sector.
Cities have a very important role in leading the circular economy as they can be the driving force for change by directly influencing citizenship regarding awareness and habit changes. Resources are limited and we need to be aware of this by promoting alternatives and encouraging good practices. This work-group served to pool the various actions and to look for new ideas and propositions that will help to reach an actual improvement.
Thinking of cities directly leads to thinking of the people who inhabit them. A city without its people would not be a city. Therefore, giving people a real chance to participate is primordial. They know the needs of each sector of the population. Citizen participation policies can help to turn cities into spaces of respect and shared construction. This work-group focused on the different forms of participation and how to bring about such participation.

Guillermo Peñalosa
Founder and President of the successful Canadian non-profit organization "Cities 8 80"

Fernando López Regó
First Chief of the Legal and Litigation Service of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)